Leanne Liakos Photography » Blog

I absolutely love the coal harbour waterfront area of Vancouver. It’s a great place for an evening stroll or to meet friends for brunch or coffee. I’ve also discovered the waterfront park is a perfect place for portrait sessions with stone walkways and platforms overlooking the park,cute benches and lush greenery. I’m looking forward to shooting in this area more in 2015! If you live downtown Vancouver and would like more information on sessions in Coal Harbour or Yaletown call or email me for details. (604)836-8102



leanne liakos photography leanne liakos photography Leanne Liakos Photography leanne liakos photography leanne liakos photography Leanne Liakos photography leanne liakos photography Leanne Liakos Photography

leanne liakos photography

leanne liakos photography Leanne Liakos Photography

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